![]() Donations: ADAPTING is a 501c3 tax exempt nonprofit organization. As a nonprofit (charity) we depend on donations from those individuals, companies, and organizations that care about helping disadvantaged individuals and children get a new start in life. Without this support, ADAPTING would not be able to function and provide the free benefits it now can provide. However, we need the continued support of all who care and wish to make a difference in the lives of individuals who have to overcome such difficult circumstances and obstacles that many of our students and other physically impaired people now realize. Think of the pride and joy you will feel by supporting the ADAPTING special projects. See your donations make a difference. Let those without a vision or seemingly lost and without direction find new hope, self-esteem and once again feel joy and happiness.
Learning to cook at the Nellie Sherk Amputee Activity Center Or just a kid learning something else......
You and your donations do make a difference- think of the joy an entire family can feel with the realized potential of owning their own home, going to school well-dressed, eating healthy foods and the restoration of self-esteem. Many other cost-saving benefits are realized as well such as less hypertension, better health and more. Kids can learn to walk and get equipment FREE if qualified Other donations will help people without insurance acquire artificial limbs, housing adjustments to make interiors more accessible and usable for disabled people, peer support activities, counseling, job placement assistance and much more. Research and study programs will be covered by special grants for those purposes. They will be staffed by temporary support staff. Many will be volunteers. These programs are of special interests to certain segments of the population that may be in a high-risk category requiring special attention for the long term benefit of our community as a whole. YOU can be of use! YOU do make a difference! You can be proud to be a community partner with us and be stakeholders of this public benefit corporation. Think of the people you can help and their children. It will make you feel good to support our organization. Our organization- YOURS and ours. Become a partner today!
You will receive acknowledgement of your donation with a donation receipt from Adapting. For further information please call 503-608-0661 or write to: ADAPTING POB 777 UMATILLA, OR 97882 THANK YOU FOR YOUR DONATIONS AND TIME!
YOU DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Take action now and donate- You may print this page and submit it with your donation. Name: _________________________________ Nickname___________ Address: ________________________________________________ City: ____________________________________________________ State: ____________________________ Zip Code: ______________ Telephone: _______________________________________________ Interests: ________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Amount of Donation: Individual: $20.00 q $50.00 q $100.00 q Other q _________ Corporate: Annual Membership $1500 q Other: q _____________________________ I would like to volunteer. q (Fill out above listed information) PLEASE HIGHLIGHT THE ABOVE AND PASTE ON A BLANK WORD PAGE- PLEASE ENCLOSE IN YOUR ENVELOPE.... THANK YOU!
With your donations we can meet our public benefit goals. Thank You, for your kind and Generous Support! And thank you for caring. Your good values and character are appreciated by the Adapting organization. Above: The Forest Grove/Cornelius Discount Merchant Card- Just one of the many merchant cards covering the greater Portland metropolitan area. Call today for a card for your location.
For only $10.00 (ten dollars) you can help someone in dire need, You will not only receive hundreds of dollars in savings, but a reward in knowing you helped care for people in need. Think of the satisfaction you can feel by joining with us. The pride of helping a worthwhile organization help others. (Currently Sold Out) Many of ADAPTING'Sfundraising activities are directed at helping disabled people in our community. Our door to door campaigns where we sell discount merchant cards is an example of our neighborhood activities and the support we receive from our residents and businesses. We thank you for that support! Each of us helps the other. Our businesses support our activities through the purchase of an advertising space or direct donation. In turn, the purchasers of the discount merchant cards receive handsome rewards on the merchant discount card and support us by purchasing the card. Everyone benefits from this activity. It is a true win-win situation. All of the funds raised by the discount merchant card are used in our community for our community effort to help those with disabilities in our area. For example, these funds will be used to support and expand our regional training facilities in Milwaukie, Oregon (Just south of Portland), they may be used to help purchase orthotic or prosthetic equipment for low income uninsured or insufficiently insured individuals to achieve a more meaningful life, such as returning to work or perhaps restoring self-esteem in our area. These moneys may also be used for any operational expenses that may need to be paid for such as utilities, telephone, etc. Therefore, we appreciate your support in purchasing Adapting's merchant discount cards when our representative approaches you for a purchase of the card. On these cards you will find hundreds of dollars in savings annually from local merchants.
Also, we ask that you support all our advertisers by purchasing their products instead of competitors of an equal quality or price. It is this merchant group that has taken a supportive roll in our community and shows their care as a responsible company in community affairs. Thank you. The above card is one of our area discount cards for discounts at local merchants. Please support our activities by purchasing this card and buying at the merchants displayed on the back of the card. These merchants offer substantial discounts on their products to card holders. These discounts include rebates on cars purchased as well as discounts at local restaurants. So remember by supporting us with the purchase of this card you support not only us, but local merchants, and enjoy a discount for doing so. (Currently Sold Out)
Can YOU provide a HELPING HAND TODAY? Other Fundraising Activities: Donate your used computer(s) to Adapting. The Adapting nonprofit organization collects used computers and utilizes them for for people with disabilities and low income impoverished children. Please remember us when you replace your old equipment with newer items. We can use computers, monitors, printers and other related equipment for those in need. Of course the donation of cash is truly appreciated. You may donate stocks, estate property and will us items in your will.
Donate your time..... In addition to your computers or donating your time, you can always donate other valuable items. If you have questions as to what you can donate to us don't hesitate to call us at 503-608-0661 Please support ADAPTING by purchasing products from our business partners at their stores and restaurants. Everyone benefits when you do so. We can operate providing services that will help many disabled individuals and their families, you save on taxes as less money will be spent by Social Security and state health plans, the purchaser saves money through merchant discounts, and the merchant benefits by helping us achieve our community goals while at the same time increasing sales for supporting a worthy goal- we all benefit. Please help us to help others. Support the ADAPTING nonprofit organization today! http://www.adaptingnpo.org ADAPTING, POB 777, Umatilla, OR 97882 - 503-608-0661 ADAPTING is a tax exempt 501c3 nonprofit corporation
UNCLAIMED MONEY? If you think any state may have money of yours, please click on the diamond above to search for your unclaimed moneys. A FREE public service benefit provided by Adapting.
A below the knee leg may cost up to $16,000 and an above the knee prosthesis will start at $30,000 and go up. Without insurance or with underinsured individuals the cost may prohibit the return to work and a normal life style. This is one area where we try to help an individual. We try to financially assist those unfortunate uninsured or underinsured people so they can reintegrate into society. Won't you take pride and help us with your donations today? Why delay, help someone today! call 503-608-0661