ADAPTING'S success can only be realized by the active support of foundations, corporations and other educational facilities as well as the general public, and businesses that support our mission.
It is this financial support that will enable us to provide up-to-date computers, software and other equipment required to provide the best trained students graduating into the commercial job market.
ADAPTING'S Board of Directors extends deep and sincere gratitude for all organizational support provided through the various individuals, foundations, corporations and educational facilities that provide this support.
In addition, to better serve our community as a public benefit organization ADAPTING will be launching educational information and research projects to improve the health and welfare of the members in our community. The primary objective and target market is that of children.
Also funding is available for certain medical equipment for qualified disabled or physically impaired people. Please call for more information: 503-608-0661
More information will be released as the launch time of the projects draw to startup time.
TYPES OF GRANTS THAT MAY BE AVAILABLE: (We help locate these grant sources) Educational Home Modifications for the handicapped Medical Humanitarian Obtaininf medical equipment Agricultural Research Chikldren Youth Adult Education Religious Natural resources Health care Community development and more... so call toiday for mlore information 503-608-0661