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Cost analysis shows setting blood sugar targets tailored to patient needs can save more than $13,500 over a lifetime compared with uniform national recommendations Date: December 11, 2017 Source: University of Chicago Medical Center Summary: A cost analysis shows treatment plans that set individualized blood sugar goals for diabetes patients, tailored to their age and health history, can save $13,546 in health care costs over their average lifetime when compared with treatment strategies that stick to a uniform national standard. For More Information, Please
Did you know a study at Loma Linda University found out that meat is linked to Type 2 diabetes, however not eggs. For more information please
Did YOU Know that Higher blood sugar early in pregnancy raises the baby's risk of a congenital heart defect? Even among mothers who do not have diabetes, according to a study led by researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine. The study will be published online Dec. 15 in The Journal of Pediatrics. For many years, physicians have known that women with diabetes face an increased risk of giving birth to babies with heart defects. Some studies have also suggested a link between nondiabetic mothers' blood sugar levels and babies' heart defect risk. However, the new study is the first to examine this question in the earliest part of pregnancy, when the fetal heart is forming. "Most women who have a child with congenital heart disease are not diabetic," said the study's senior author, James Priest, MD, assistant professor of pediatric cardiology. "We found that in women who don't already have diabetes or develop diabetes during pregnancy, we can still measure risk for having a child with congenital heart disease by looking at their glucose values during the first trimester of pregnancy." The study's lead author is Emmi Helle, MD, PhD, an affiliate in pediatric cardiology and former postdoctoral scholar. For more information please
A natural normal method of adherence to a healthy diet and exercise program will be a natural format to healthy normal living for kids. Diabetes if undetected will eventually lead to blindness, limb loss, kidney failure and premature death. Today diabetes is accuring in youth in epidemic proportions and needs to be effectively addressed. Successful correction programs need to be identified and implemented to overcome this disastrous problem. Albertsons expands diabetes store tours March 9, 2017 by MMR Print Friendly Albertsons expands diabetes store tours BOISE, Idaho — Leveraging the grocery and pharmacy areas of its stores, Albertsons Cos. has expanded its Eating Healthy with Diabetes food tours to help diabetes patients better manage their health. or more info CLICK HERE!
The ADAPTING Board of Directors has unamously approved the project to build a vocational shool facility in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. The target of the project will be orphans, salvageable street children, children at risk of becoming street children and disabled children.
Eventually, an autistic program will be included. The school will focus on vocational training in addition to the normal studies kids require. A student nursing facility will eventually be expanded into a free clinic for the poor. Pleae check for updates on this program. By the way with your donations we can change the lives of these poor unforunate kids. We camn keep them from the sex slave and abuse market- give them a future and hope. Your donations do make a difference Donations may be mailed to: ADAPTING POB 777 Umatilla, OR, 97882 THANK YOU!
Children picking trash in the landfill so the family can eat- not much of a future for them is it? You can help them today!
In addition to the above project, ADAPTING is setting up local classes in north central Oregon and south central Washington states for teaching individuals how to be helpful visitors for patients in care facilities. Often people in a health crisis that are institutionalized, for example, in a hospital, assisted living facility or other type of care or retirement center, will be lonely, lost and really need someone for quiet compaionship, to chat with or even play games with someone. ADAPTING has developed a program that teaches about how to care and support these lonely, lost individuals In the class you will be taught how to recognize and help individuals deal wth grief, depression and the various stages of suicidal tendies. You will know when to contact a qualified professional and what actions or words would be appropriate under those circumstances. It's an exciting and worthwhile activity for those who love and care for people. A criminal background check will be required for those seeking to attend classes. For more information please call 503-608-0661
VA Offers up to $8M in Grants for Adaptive Sports Programs Content provided by The O&P EDGE Current Issue - Free Subscription - Free eNewsletter - Advertise The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is providing up to $8 million in grants to fund adaptive sports programs that offer activities for veterans and members of the armed forces who have disabilities. Applications for the fiscal year 2018 Adaptive Sports Grant must be submitted by April 21
Scam artists target tax rebate checks Schemes involve phone, online solicitations from crooks posing as IRS, Social Security employees. FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CLICK HERE!
Usually occurring at ATMs, skimming devices that steal credit and debit card info are now discovered in gas pumps and restaurants: FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CLICK HERE!
For these types of skimmers, it's actually fairly easy to defeat them. Simply cover your hand when you're typing in your PIN and the crooks won't have all the information they need to clone your card.
A New Beginning, By Miki Fairley "Amputation should not be looked at as a failure. It should be looked at as a reconstructive procedure that will provide the patient with a functional residual limb that can be fitted well with a prosthesis and improve the patient's quality of life. I get frustrated with the idea that amputation is just amputation—'cut off the leg and get on with it.'"—William J.J. Ertl, MD for more information or the read the whole article please click here! The Prosthestist's Role in Early Patient Assessment By Judith Philipps Otto In the life of the patient, it's a terrifying seminal moment: amputation is imminent. They have a thousand questions and as many fears concerning their future. As their prosthetist, what should your role be? How deep should your involvement be and at how early a stage? For more information or to read the whole article please click here!
NO Co-PAY program click
here Also did you know... Diabetes screenings Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) covers these screenings if your doctor determines you’re at risk for diabetes or you’re diagnosed with pre-diabetes. You may be eligible for up to 2 screenings each year. These lab tests are covered if you have any of these risk factors: High blood pressure (hypertension) History of abnormal cholesterol and triglyceride levels (dyslipidemia) Obesity A history of high blood sugar (glucose) Medicare also covers these if 2 or more of these apply to you: You’re age 65 or older. You’re overweight. You have a family history of diabetes (parents or siblings). You have a history of gestational diabetes (diabetes during pregnancy) or delivery of a baby weighing more than 9 pounds. Your costs in Original Medicare You pay nothing for these tests if your doctor or other qualified health care provider accepts assignment.
Modern Medicine: Microprocessor Ankle- Losing a limb is difficult. It requires a life adjustment, but new technology is making it easier to lead a normal life. In the last few years, Microprocessor Ankles have become available for patients Read more, Click Here:
"Teaching Prosthetics in Iraq: Performing Under Fire..." "As allied healthcare professionals practicing here in what is arguably the most civilized country in the world, we are inclined to complacency. The most intense pressures we face daily deal with cash flow issues, documentation dilemmas, insubordinate subordinates, malfunctioning equipment, or fussy patients. To experience real on-the-job stress, however, try fitting prostheses in a war zone in an office that is shelled by the enemy on a fairly regular basis." For more Information or to read the whole article please click here! ACA Releases Amputee Research Results The Amputee Coalition of America ACA) announced November 29 the results of a consumer survey completed by the Limb Loss Research & Statistics Program (LLR&SP), a collaboration of the ACA and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, in its new publication, People With Amputation Speak Out With the Amputee Coalition of America. The purpose of the multi-year research project, funded by the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDDD), a division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), was to determine how well people with limb loss were functioning in their everyday lives and what services they may need, but are not getting. Survey questions asked of the 954 amputee participants looked at the overall health and well-being of people with limb loss, the need for services such as medical care and rehabilitation, the use of, and satisfaction with, prosthetic devices and related services and environmental barriers and attitudes that impact overall well-being. The four main conclusions of this research are: The majority of community-dwelling amputees are living independently. Pain and depressed mood are the most common secondary conditions associated with limb loss. Among the sample of amputees surveyed, the majority reported wearing a prosthesis daily. A significant number of amputees reported barriers to accessing physical and emotional healthcare during the past year. The mission of the LLR&SP was to improve the understanding of limb loss, explore people's experiences living with limb loss, and design programs aimed at improving function and quality of lifeafter limb loss, explained Meredith P. Goins, ACA marketing/outreach coordinator. As a result of the findings in this study, researchers at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the University of Washington collaborated with the ACA to design the Promoting Amputee LifeSkills (PALS) self-management program, aimed at improving the quality of lifefor amputees. For more information Click Here!
Please contact us ASAP
Other News-worthy Items and Articles: "Amputee Kids’ Camp Seeks Funds Every August for the past 25 years, a camp for children who are amputees, called Adventure Camp, has been held in Middleburg, Virginia. For many years, the camp has been funded by the Children's Medical Center, Charlottesville, but the center has notified the camp that they are not funding any outside groups this year, said Ed Hicks, CO, CPed, camp treasurer. The camp serves youngsters from Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Tennessee, and West Virginia. There are usually 25 campers and a staff of physical therapists, prosthetists, orthotists, nurses and other community volunteers, many of who are amputees themselves, said Hicks. The group is now trying to raise money for Camp 2006. "We are in the process of establishing Adventure Camp as a nonprofit organization and incorporation," Hicks said. "Any contributions given this year should count for nonprofit donations, or we can treat it as marketing." He continued, "The cost of camp for the four days we are there comes to around $200 per camper. We have tried to keep the cost to an absolute minimum for the campers and have only charged $5 per camper. Some of our families could pay more but many could not. If you could sponsor a camperor twoor make a contribution for any amount, it would be so helpful." Checks should be made out to Adventure Camp. For more information, phone 434.243.4670 or 434.263.5432 or e-mail Hicks: e-mail meh8f@virginia.edu To mail a donation, send to Ed Hicks, CO, CPed, Treasurer, Adventure Camp, PO Box 485, Lovingston, VA 22949. "- From O&P Newsletter
"First Park Solely for Disability Opens- International Paper, Paul Smith's College, and the State of New York will celebrate the grand opening of International Paper John Dillon Park, the first wilderness area designed exclusively for people with disabilities and their families, friends, and caregivers, International Paper announced. The brief opening ceremony on Tuesday, June 27, will be followed by an afternoon exploring the park's state-of-the-art adaptive features, which include specially designed lean-tos and trails and solar-powered battery carts to recharge wheelchairs. The 200-acre park, which is located on New York Route 30 near Long Lake, is within a 15,800-acre forest protected by a conservation easement donated by International Paper. Paul Smith's College faculty, staff, and students will manage the park. Among those present for the opening ceremony will be John T. Dillon, retired chairman and CEO, International Paper; John Mills, PhD, president, Paul Smith's College; Michael Deland, president, National Organization on Disability (NOD); Tim Barnett, vice president, Adirondack Conservancy; Don White, Dillon Park advisor and member of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Task Force on Accessibility; David Struhs, vice president, Environmental Affairs, International Paper; and Greg Wallace, supervisor, Town of Long Lake."- From O&P Newsletter "Creative Solutions for Foot Complications By Gordon Zernich, CP, BOCP When the stakes are high and the odds are long, there are worse places to be than at the roulette table in Rick's Café Americain, Casablanca—after all, it is only money. However, when the stakes involve the healing of a foot condition that has recently gone from bad to worse, one will soon discover it takes more than conventional methods to attempt to save it. Roger Marzano, CPO, CPed, vice president of clinical services at Yanke Bionics, Akron, Ohio, shares his clinical experience and technical expertise concerning the application of orthotic devices that can arrest, accommodate, and better the odds of restoring non-traumatic, yet severe foot complications often due to diabetes. The objectives are the same—reduce peak foot pressures—but the stakes increase in magnitude as complications increase. The last, best chance of fitting a patient with what most would say still resembles something familiar-looking involves adding additional orthotic modifications to custom-molded shoes to enhance and accommodate the foot's now limited function. "For example," Marzano says, "you have a 350-lb. active, hardworking man, and his tarsal-metatarsal joints are breaking down and his foot is going into an early Charcot condition. A carbon-fiber insert placed under his orthotics will not prevent his shoe from bending, aggravating the problem. It can take up scarce room in there too. So we will insert and rivet a 1-in.-wide steel shank between the inner and outer shoe sole." He continues, "What makes it effective is the rocker modification added to the bottom of the shoe, but it is not a perfect solution: besides adding weight to the shoe, some heel slippage will result." CAM Walker There are times when the answers are temporary and involve non-weight bearing on the affected side; the now more vulnerable wearer will be protected by an exoskeletal appliance against everyday obstacles. In those instances, Marzano will sometimes use a technique he picked up from a Chicago, Illinois, researcher who uses a roll of fiberglass casting bandage to keep a CAM walker on his patient's lower leg. "The only difference between the total contact cast and a regular CAM walker is that the patient can remove the walker," Marzano says. "If we put them in it and use a fiberglass bandage to keep it on, they can't take it off. "It is a great casting environment," he continues. "It is much less expensive than the cost of a total contact cast, and it is much less labor-intensive. The orthopedist will love you! This is going to be the wave of the future—physicians aren't well reimbursed for [total contact casts]." Yanke Bionics is using the CAM casting technique for diabetic patients with severe complications such as foot ulcers, failed skin grafts, and Charcot foot injuries. Skin Grafts: Low Success Rate Plastic surgeons are getting involved in wound care centers at an increasing rate, but unfortunately the failure rate on skin grafts on the plantar surface of the foot is 35 percent, because skin is taken from another area of that body that is unlike the skin on the bottom of the foot. Often the healing of the skin graft adheres to the bony structures and the tendons underneath. That makes it very difficult to reduce shear. It is likely the grafted area will tear without that tissue mobility. A pneumatic boot and fiberglass casting tape is sometimes used, since the compression of the boot's air bladder helps the healing process by reducing edema and lessening the already slight shocks in the casted environment. If necessary, the inner sole of the boot can be modified with an aperture relief underneath ulcerated areas and then recovered with the inner sole of the diabetic shoe insert to relieve the area of pressure. Cautions with CAM Walker "I put a heel lift in the patient's opposite shoe every time I fit a CAM walker," says Marzano. "I've seen patients come in with herniated spinal disks from wearing a boot for the 12 weeks of their Charcot episode. As soon as they got out of the boot, a diskectomy had to be done. Be very aware when fitting these boots: we should automatically build up the diabetic insert on the other side to protect the patient's back." Gordon Zernich, CP, is employed at the Veteran Affairs (VA) Medical Center in Miami, Florida." From O&P Newsletter Again, your support will be appreciated. Call for more information 503-608-0661 don't delay! FREE transportation in and around Clackamas County is provided by a Clackamas County volunteer group. Information on this activity may be obtained by calling 503-655-8856. See below for more information.
Remember, FREE transportation may be available through a PUBLIC, COUNTY OR, STATE transportation system. Please be sure to check this out well in advance by calling In Clackamas County, Oregon call- 503-655-8856 Services are available Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 5 PM (Clackamas County Residents only) iN WASHINGTON STATE DISABLED TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE AT PEOPLE 4 PEOPLE- 800-233-1624 (AN APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT TO QUALIFY)
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