Are You suffering from Limb Loss or Limb Difference? Are you anticipating amputation of a limb? Contact ADAPTING for Peer Support or for other services you may need. Become informed and prepared. If you have questions you may not know who to ask. That is what ADAPTING is here for- to answer your questions. Daily you may call 503-608-0661and we will quickly try to answer any questions you may have. If you are feeling down, alone, or somewhat unsure of your future, come to our peer support meetings the second Friday of each month. Call for location and time or any questions - 503-608-0661. At our peer support meetings learn from and chat with other members of society that have adapted to a similar limb loss. Gain a real sense of what you are capable of doing and what you can expect to achieve. Chances are that you will find someone to chat with who is experiencing the same type of loss that you are experiencing or expecting to experience. In addition, we have many merchants that are providing discounts at their businesses for us. Come and pick up a discount merchant card at our next meeting. We have a new Activities Chairman for planning upcoming activities. Some activities include a summer picnic, a Christmas party, and many social events all free to our members and special guests.
DID YOU KNOW THAT DIABETES IS A MAJOR CAUSE FOR LIMB LOSS? AVOID CATASTROPHIC HEALTH CONSEQUENCES THROUGH A LACK OF KNOWLEDGE. PLEASE TAKE TIME TO READ THE FOLLOWING HEALTH AND LIFE SAVING INFORMATION: Here is an Overview of Diabetes...." What is diabetes? Diabetes is a disease in which the body is unable to properly use and store glucose (a form of sugar). Glucose backs up in the bloodstream — causing one’s blood glucose (sometimes referred to as blood sugar) to rise too high. There are two major types of diabetes. In type 1 (fomerly called juvenile-onset or insulin-dependent) diabetes, the body completely stops producing any insulin, a hormone that enables the body to use glucose found in foods for energy. People with type 1 diabetes must take daily insulin injections to survive. This form of diabetes usually develops in children or young adults, but can occur at any age. Type 2 (formerly called adult-onset or non insulin-dependent) diabetes results when the body doesn’t produce enough insulin and/or is unable to use insulin properly (insulin resistance). This form of diabetes usually occurs in people who are over 40, overweight, and have a family history of diabetes, although today it is increasingly occurring in younger people, particularly adolescents. How do people know if they have diabetes? People with diabetes frequently experience certain symptoms. These include: being very thirsty frequent urination weight loss increased hunger blurry vision irritability tingling or numbness in the hands or feet frequent skin, bladder or gum infections wounds that don't heal extreme unexplained fatigue In some cases, there are no symptoms — this happens at times with type 2 diabetes. In this case, people can live for months, even years without knowing they have the disease. This form of diabetes comes on so gradually that symptoms may not even be recognized. Who gets diabetes? Diabetes can occur in anyone. However, people who have close relatives with the disease are somewhat more likely to develop it. Other risk factors include obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and physical inactivity. The risk of developing diabetes also increases as people grow older. People who are over 40 and overweight are more likely to develop diabetes, although the incidence of type 2 diabetes in adolescents is growing. Diabetes is more common among Native Americans, African Americans, Hispanic Americans and Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders. Also, people who develop diabetes while pregnant (a condition called gestational diabetes) are more likely to develop full-blown diabetes later in life. How is diabetes treated? There are certain things that everyone who has diabetes, whether type 1 or type 2, needs to do to be healthy. They need to have a meal (eating) plan. They need to pay attention to how much physical activity they engage in, because physical activity can help the body use insulin better so it can convert glucose into energy for cells. Everyone with type 1 diabetes, and some people with type 2 diabetes, also need to take insulin injections. Some people with type 2 diabetes take pills called "oral agents" which help their bodies produce more insulin and/or use the insulin it is producing better. Some people with type 2 diabetes can manage their disease without medication by appropriate meal planning and adequate physical activity. Everyone who has diabetes should be seen at least once every six months by a diabetes specialist (an endocrinologist or a diabetologist). He or she should also be seen periodically by other members of a diabetes treatment team, including a diabetes nurse educator, and a dietitian who will help develop a meal plan for the individual. Ideally, one should also see an exercise physiologist for help in developing a physical activity plan, and, perhaps, a social worker, psychologist or other mental health professional for help with the stresses and challenges of living with a chronic disease. Everyone who has diabetes should have regular eye exams (once a year) by an ophthalmologist to make sure that any eye problems associated with diabetes are caught early and treated before they become serious. Also, people with diabetes need to learn how to monitor their blood glucose. Daily testing will help determine how well their meal plan, activity plan, and medication are working to keep blood glucose levels in a normal range. What other problems can diabetes cause? Your healthcare team will encourage you to follow your meal plan and exercise program, use your medications and monitor your blood glucose regularly to keep your blood glucose in as normal a range as possible as much of the time as possible. Why is this so important? Because poorly managed diabetes can lead to a host of long-term complications — among these are heart attacks, strokes, blindness, kidney failure, and blood vessel disease that may require an amputation, nerve damage, and impotence in men. But happily, a nationwide study completed over a 10-year period showed that if people keep their blood glucose as close to normal as possible, they can reduce their risk of developing some of these complications by 50 percent or more. Can diabetes be prevented? Maybe someday. Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes, yet we still do not understand it completely. Recent research does suggest, however, that there are some things one can do to prevent this form of diabetes. Studies show that lifestyle changes can prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes in those adults who are at high risk of getting the disease. Modest weight loss (5-10% of body weight) and modest physical activity (30 minutes a day) are recommended goals." by Joslin Diabetes Center 2007
What Is Phantom Limb Pain? Phantom limb pain refers to pain felt in an absent limb. Phantom limb sensations, which are not painful, also may be felt in an absent limb. Stump pain is pain felt only in the residual of the amputated limb. Amputees often experience all of these at the same time. Virtually all amputees have phantom sensations. Three quarters of amputees develop phantom pain. Most of these develop pain in the first few days after amputation. However, phantom pain may start after months or even years. Pain can last for many years, but sometimes gets better as time passes. Phantom pain usually comes in bursts. Only a few people have constant pain. Some have several attacks each day, others less than one a week. Phantom pain often is described as shooting, stabbing, or burning. The pain often is felt at the end of the limb, in phantom fingers or toes. The missing limb often feels shorter (telescoping). The phantom limb may feel as if it is in a distorted and painful position. The pain can be intensified by stress, anxiety, and weather changes. —From the Pain Relief Foundation and The Walton Centre Pain Team, Walton Centre for Neurology & Neurosurgery. For further information click on the link below-
Amputee Student Scholarship Offered: A college scholarship for students who are amputees or cancer survivors is available, announced Cancer for College, a nonprofit organization. Cancer for College noted that it is not necessary for an amputee applicant to have had cancer. The deadline for applications to be received is September 1. Eligibility requirements are: * US resident under age 35; * Must be current or former cancer patient OR an amputee; and * Must be willing to attend regional event associated with scholarship awarded and be available for selected interviews or media coverage. CFC reserves the right to use photographs and/or statements of scholarship recipients in any promotion material. Supporting materials required are: * Summary of cancer treatment that includes date of diagnosis OR summary of condition that resulted in amputation. Both summaries must include place of treatment, doctor's contact information, and status of treatment. * A personal statement which illustrates why you should be selected as a scholarship recipient; * Description of other sources you are utilizing to finance your college education; and * Two letters of recommendations from persons outside of your immediate family (i.e., doctors, nurses, teacher). Applicants must include: * Name * Date of Birth * Telephone number * E-mail address * Expected college entry date * Student ID is already attending college * Acceptances? * Name of college attending or applying to, with address: * Desired field of study * A list in chronological order of any activities you have participated in the last four years. Application and requested information can be mailed to: California, 594 Rush Dr., San Marcos, CA 92078, or Northwest, 4508 53rd Ave. NE, Seattle, WA 98105 For questions or additional information, e-mail: cancerforcollege@hotmail.com; visit www.cancerforcollege.org
The Executive Director of ADAPTING, a bilateral amputee, earned two college degrees after his amputation and earned the position of Senior Vice President- Engineering: Chief Engineer within 6 years of the amputation date. His degrees were earned at Marylhurst University in Marylhurst, Oregon. You can do the same in your area of interest. Learn how with support from the ADAPTING peer support program. Call Today 503- 608-0661 for more information. Also, at ADAPTING we can help with certain types of special needs funding with such things as disabled equipment funding, special purpose grant writing for individuals, grants for home modifications and much more. So don't delay, call ADAPTING today! 503-608-0661
Are there activities for Kids and Teens: Right now the only activities are the ACA's national activities for kids and teens with limb loss. Please check out the ACA site for more information. We want to gather parents and senior teens to help organize activities here in the Oregon-Washington area. If you have a child or teen with limb loss call us today at 503-608-0661.
Call today for more information.... 503-608-0661 For Amputee Care the following link will prove of great importance.
Peer support meetings
Dancing and dance lessons
And we have Christmas parties and many more events. Grant programs for home easy-access modification remodeling. So be sure to check us out.
Below are some helpful links for your convenience: If you are an amputee you need to check out this site:
The Amputee Coalition of America Also, for amputees and other physically impaired people in Oregon The American Psychiatric Association The American Psychological Association Anxiety Disorders Association of America The National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Call for more information 503 608-0661- don't delay! FREE transportation in and around Clackamas County to and from the Adapting activities is provided by a Clackamas County volunteer group. Information on this activity may be obtained by calling 503-655-8856. See below for more information.
Remember, FREE transportation may be available through a county volunteer transportation system. Please be sure to check this out well in advance by calling 503-655-8856 Services are available Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 5 PM (Clackamas County Residents only)
Don't hesitate, call Us today for more Information 503-608-0661
UNCLAIMED MONEY? If you think any state may have money of yours, please click on the diamond above to search for your unclaimed moneys. A FREE public service benefit provided by Adapting.
Then you need to Click Here!
Get qualified reading material from your medical practitioner's office
Yes, in some cases! Stay away from sugary foods such as cakes, pastries, sodas and more...